Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Charm of a First Date at a Chain Restaurant in Midtown

Jack sat across from Karen. A candle sat between their faces. Karen suddenly laughed and said "no fair". Then she said, "I don't have a group picture with me in it from High School to show you".

Jack said, "just guess which one I am".

"Well, it's hard because you've lost so much hair".

"Ouch," Jack said, "that hurts a little".

They both laughed at this. After a minute she finally pointed to a lanky pale boy in the back row of the photograph.

"You? This is you?"


"It's got to be! You look exactly the same!"

"But it's not. Trust me"

"Um....ok. This one?", she pointed at another pasty and tall child.

"Guess again"

"Oh, jesus. I give up. Which one are you?"

Jack laughed and pointed at a small boy with freckles in the bottom left hand corner.

"This is you?!"

Karen laughed and said "but you're so tiny".

"It was before I hit my growth spurt"

"You jerk. You tricked me"

They both smiled and then sat in silence for a time. Karen's mind began to wander to the romantic and a thought hit her.

"What about girlfriends? Did you have yourself a High School sweetheart?"

"I did. But things didn't work out"

"Why? What went wrong?"

"We just didn't fit well. It was like oil and water. What about you? Any boyfriends? Captain of the football team? Homecoming king?"

Karen laughed and said, "more like assistant director of the audio visual club".

Jack responded with a short, blunt chuckle and said "well, what happened with him?"

"Same deal...only it was more like electricity and water".

The waiter interrupted their laughter to bring them their check. Jack excused himself and used the restroom. Karen waited and stared out the window overlooking a busy corner. Her mind wandered and she imagined playing on the beach as a kid with her Sister. She thought about what it would be like to go swimming with Jack and what his body would look like in swim trunks. She closed her eyes and thought about this for a spell.

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