Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Dream

I had a dream last night, Bill. A weird one.

Bill nodded as if to say, “go on”.

It was Thanksgiving and we were at your Mother’s house for supper.

Bill took a drink from his glass of whiskey and she continued.

And your Mother was in color but everybody else, including you and me…we were in black and white. And we were eating turkey at the dining room table.

Bill kept listening while he lit a cigarette.

At one point you bit down on some bone from the turkey and your tooth fell out.

Bill turned his head up slightly and blew smoke up towards the light overhead.

“My tooth? Fell out?”

She laughed.

Yes! And it was the strangest thing but as I kept eating I noticed that my mouth was bleeding.

“Your mouth?”

Yes. Isn’t that strange? The blood just kept coming and coming until my whole plate was covered in blood.

Bill finished his drink and smirked.

“How strange, Martha”

Martha poured herself a drink and laughed.

Yes, I thought so.

She sat down next to him and put his hand in hers.

I wonder if it means anything?

They sat like that for a time.

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